Quality Assurance is the prime focus of the company.
The important fact that the major raw material like graphite and phenolic resin are manufactured in-house facilitates strict quality control right from raw material stage.
The raw material is tested for physical properties as per EN 10204 3.1 / 3.2.
Our Quality Management System is in accordance with requirement of ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
Customer requirements are transformed in to Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and procedures which are followed in subsequent stages of manufacturing.
The equipment undergoes stage-wise inspection by Notified Body / Inspection Agencies like Lloyds Register, TUV, Bureau Veritas, etc.
The equipment are designed in accordance with requirement of various International Standards like ASME, AD Merckblatter, Stoomvezen, CODAP, British Standards, JIS standards, etc.
In European Union the equipments are supplied as per 2014/68/EU regulations (CE marking). Equipment are supplied as per requirement of American Society of Mechanical Engineers with ASME “U” stamp. We are authorised to use “R” symbol in accordance with provision of National board for impervious Graphite repairs and alteration. We are authorised to apply “NB” mark and register the pressure vessel with National board.
Equipment are supplied as per country specific requirement like JPVC(Japan), DOSH (Malaysia), EAC (Russia), KOSHA (South Korea), Chinese manufacturing license – SELO (China), PER - Pressure Equipment Regulation / SANS -South African National Standard 347-2010 (South Africa), etc
Tests &


& Norms